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экономический кризис, антикризисная коммуникация, коммуникационные про- цессы в органах государственной власти и управления, исследования СМИ

Зарипов Айрат Ринатович

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Зарипов Айрат Ринатович
Казанский государственный технологический университет

Рассматриваются теоретические основы антикризисной коммуникации и приводятся данные авторского исследования печатных СМИ Татарстана за 2008-2009 гг., иллюстрирующие антикризисную коммуникацию органов государственной власти республики.

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Библиографический список
1 . Dake K. Myths of nature - Culture and the social construction of risk // Journal of Social Issues. 1992. Vol. 48. N.4. P. 21-37.
2 . Fischhoff B. Risk perception and communication unplugged: Twenty years of process // Risk Analysis. 1995. Vol. 12. P. 137-145.
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17 . Hale J. E. Crisis Response Communication Challenges: Building Theory From Qualitative Data / J.E. Hale, R.E. Dulek, D.P. Hale // Journal of Business Communication, 2005. Vol. 42(2). P. 112-134.
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19 . Vielharber M. Changing Uses of Technology: Crisis Communication Responses in a Faculty Strike // Journal of Business Communication. 2008. Vol. 45(3). P. 308-330.
20 . Seeger M.W. Communication, organization, and crisis / M.W. Seeger, T.L. Sellnow, R.R. Ulmer // Communication Yearbook. 1998. Vol. 21. P. 232-233.
21 . Benoit W.L. Accounts, excuses, and apologies: A theory of image restoration / W.L. Benoit. Albany: State University of New York, 1995.
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27 . Benoit W.L. Image repair in President Bush's April 2004 news conference / W.L. Benoit // Public Relations Review, 2006. Vol. 32. N. 2. P. 137-143.
28 . Benoit W.L. Queen Elizabeth's image repair discourse: Insensitive royal or compassionate queen? / W.L. Benoit, S.L. Brinson // Public Relations Review. 1999. Vol. 25. N. 2. P. 145-156.
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33 . Popkin S. The Reasoning Voter: Communication and Persuasion in Presidential Campaigns. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991.
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35 . Graber D. Processing Politics: Learning from Television in the Internet Age / D. Graber. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001. P. 15-16.
36 . Blake A. Media-generated Shortcuts: Do Newspaper Headlines Present Another Roadblock for Lowinformation Rationality? / A. Blake // The Harvard International Journal of Press / Politics. 2007. Vol. 12. P. 24-43.
37 . Blood D. Recession Headline News, Consumer Sentiment, the State of the Economy and Presidential Popularity: A Time Series Analysis 1989-1993 / D. Blood, P. Phillips // International Journal of Public Opinion Research. 1995. Vol. 7(2). P. 2-22.
38 . Dijk T.A. News as Discourse / T.A. Dijk. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1988.
39 . Althaus S.L. Using Substitutes for Full-text News Stories in Content Analysis: Which Text Is Best? / S.L. Althaus, J.A. Edy, P.F. Phalen // American Journal of Political Science. 2001. Vol. 45(3). P. 707-723.
40 . 40.Althaus S.L. Using the Vanderbilt Television Abstracts to Track Broadcast News Content: Possibilities and Pitfalls / S.L. Althaus, J.A. Edy, P.F. Phalen // Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. 2002. Vol. 46(3). P. 473-492.
41 . Flynn J. Risk, Media, and Stigma at Rocky Flats / J. Flynn [et al.] // Risk Analysis. 1998. Vol. 18(6). P. 715-727.